Friday, February 6, 2015


Oh yeah that's the door's "design" alright.
1Online Picture Posts That Are Major Fails
And now we know exactly how you got your hair that way.
2Online Picture Posts That Are Major Fails
Aww, they got the whole family together for this picture: Mom, Dad, the kids, Fido, and Fido's newly claimed tree.
3Online Picture Posts That Are Major Fails
What's wrong with Grandpa?
4Online Picture Posts That Are Major Fails
OH, it's a knee. Phew!
What good are kids if they can't be trusted to take your inappropriate profile pictures?
5Online Picture Posts That Are Major Fails
Timmy said he wanted to grow up to be a human cannonball...
6Online Picture Posts That Are Major Fails
So, I need to ask. Did you really have to pull down your pants to show me your arm?
7Online Picture Posts That Are Major Fails
It wouldn't be a day at the beach without a little...erm...sunburn?
8Online Picture Posts That Are Major Fails
Either she's coming out of the wrong bathroom, or this pageant just got a lot more interesting.
9Online Picture Posts That Are Major Fails
This one is practically a commercial for Windex.
The new "one piece suit", by Gucci.
Oh Robin Thicke... and you wonder why your wife won't take you back.
There are at least two people in this picture that look completely fed up with life. Can you spot them both?
"What a fine ass you've got there...erm...Glasses!  I meant to say what fine glasses you've got there."
Toilet Selfie Tip #1: Don't. Just don't.
Gettin' swole with Grandma.
Wall of hats? (check) Duck face? (check) Huge sex toy in the background? (check check check)
I didn't know they made "Diarrhea Relief" bottles that big...
Good Parenting Tip #47: If you shoot your new baby in black and white, no one will notice that dude smoking a bowl in the background.
The upshot is that they totally busted that guy.
I wear my sunglasses at night..."
"Little busy" with all those notifications, or your unfortunate vaginal discovery?
Count the sets of upward pointing "fingers" in this pic:
Paris Hilton's new sex tape was apparently a big hit among the kangaroos at the local zoo.
What a fabulous picture of a naked guy playing video games that someone ruined with their gross arm.
"It's the BABY'S FOOT, I swear!"

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