Friday, February 6, 2015


This extreme body modification is slowly catching on even though it is kind of creepy.
1Now What Possible Reason Do People Have for Doing This?
The tattooed eyeball is a growing trend that can even leave people blind but it isn’t stopping some people from having it done anyway.
2Now What Possible Reason Do People Have for Doing This?
3Now What Possible Reason Do People Have for Doing This?
4Now What Possible Reason Do People Have for Doing This?
5Now What Possible Reason Do People Have for Doing This?
6Now What Possible Reason Do People Have for Doing This?
7Now What Possible Reason Do People Have for Doing This?
8Now What Possible Reason Do People Have for Doing This?
9Now What Possible Reason Do People Have for Doing This?

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