Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them

When you look at all these sad faces you will rethink your next holiday.

This dog that is suspicious you took out all these clothes.
1Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them
This cat who knows you can't start packing without him.
2Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them
This smart kitty that is packing his favorite toy to take along.
3Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them
This dog that is so mad he won't even give you a goodbye kiss.
4Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them
This cat who's waiting for the perfect moment to reveal they made the trip.
5Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them
This dog that won't let you close your suitcase.
6Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them
These cats who think they're sneaky.
7Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them
And this dog that thinks he is camouflaged.
8Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them
The dog who packed up all her things.
9Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them
This cat that is pleading you not to go.
The dog that refuses to get out of the car.
This depressed pug.
And this cat laying on the guilt trip.
This dog who thinks you have room to squeeze him into the suitcase.
The cat that is trying to become a sweater.
This corgi that is ready to drive you guys to the airport.
This cat that is trying to become another piece of luggage.
This clingy cat that won't let go.
This clingy cat that won't let go.
This cat watching you as you pull out of the driveway.
This dog that will pin you down.
#21Your Pets Know When You are Planning a Holiday without Them

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